The energy transition in Germany requires significant grid expansion to ensure sustainable power supply. In southern Germany, where population density and industrial concentration are high, the demand for electricity is increasing. To guarantee power supply under the changing conditions of the energy transition and to prevent overloads, the transmission system operator TransnetBW is upgrading the transmission network between Karlsruhe-Daxlanden and Eichstetten am Kaiserstuhl from 220 to 380 kilovolts—known as the Badische Rheinschiene grid enhancement project.
Intermediate storage of thirteen meter high wall elements with large glass fronts? Not so easy! That's why A. Enggaard A/S relies on the DepoFlex Storage Rack from ROBUSTA-GAUKEL at the INCUBA Research Park in Aarhus, Denmark.
Time savings thanks to MULTI walkway: With the customized MULTI walkway in the desired length, our customer achieves a significant reduction in working distances.
„What's new at Robusta?” was a typical question at the bauma trade fair booth of the specialist for individual construction site solutions, and of course there were real innovations and proven classics to be seen this time as well.
Were you there, too, at the world's largest construction trade fair?
That was it, the bauma 2022 in Munich. We are thrilled and happy about many interested visitors! Take a look at the best impressions from our booth and all the new products presented: